Searenity sailing next to us. They cant believe the flat seas we have had. At last the wind blew from Fernando de N, so they were happy to sail at last.
Past the 'Átol das Rocas' last night and the sea
got shallow, to 53m. Dolphins swam with us at
dusk, they are so wonderful to watch, Krazni and I
went to the front of the boat to watch and 4 jumped
at the same time, least 2m in the air! They came
back again at 22h00 and we could see them just
below the surface with the full moon. Wash day today,
sheets and towels in the washing machine. Also washed
down the bathroom at 7am before it gets too hot.
Everything gets a layer of salt air on it and feels sticky.
We wipe the wooden surfaces with a vinegar and water
mix to remove the salt. Rob is making more water so
we'll have full tanks in Fortaleza, should get there Sun morning.
Doing 8.5 kts. Caught a small Marlin but cut the line off
once we had got most of it back on the reel, lost lure.
3,45.22S 35,48.05W PS steak in F.de Noronha was not good.
Friday morning and we are leaving Fernando de Noronha.
The Island is a reserve and we paid R700 to moor for one day!
Thereafter the charges are per person, so we stayed one
day only. We hired a taxi to go to town, up a very steep hill
in 34C, we were not walking. The taxi was an old beach
buggy, 3 of us perched on the back and Rob in front.
Most transport was beach buggy and scramblers.
The town is spread out and tourism esp diving,
is the main trade. The supermarket had no fresh veg
or fruit at all! Had a cold beer and yummy salad lunch
for 12 Real about R48. The sea is so wonderful to swim in.
Both mornings the 'spinning' dolphins came through the bay.
They jump up spinning, wonderful to see. So now we
are off to Fortaleza. Good wind, speed 8 knots,
Searenity has her Spinnaker up and is far ahead.
Land Ahoy, we are in the islands of Fernando de Noronha,
Brazil...we have crossed the Atlantic! Just had a reviving
swim in 28C sea, magic. We will go ashore tonight to
find a restaurant, the men want to sample a Brazilian
steak. Caught a 80cm Rainbow Chaser, looks like a
yellowtail. Thats supper tomorrow sorted. We averaged
1.2 miles per liter at 1200 revs, so Rob is very happy.
Searenity had good winds and kept up with us at 7 knotts.
Wow, can you believe we just crossed the Atlantic!
5 days at sea, need to get off now and walk. My body is
tired of sitting or lying, I do some leg lifts and arm swinging
each evening to get the blood flowing. No lines out,
dont want to catch a Marlin again. At night a few birds
rest on the roof. Amazing how they appear from nowhere
at about 9.30pm. Good breeze now and we are
averaging 6.5 knots. 5,03.77S 27,07.76W
Today Krasni caught a Black Marlin 2.1m long!
A shame really as we did not want to kill a Marlin.
The lure came out of its mouth and then got fouled
on its tail. With all the excitement Rob started the
other motor forgetting the bungy line that was out.
It got wrapped around the prop. Thank heavens
Johan, from Yacht Searenity, is a good diver and
he went down to cut the cable off. Its not a great
eating fish, but created a good diversion.
It gets rather boring out here. 6,15.70S 21,56.20W
It was sad that we could not go ashore at
Ascension isl, but we had a nice break.
The huge swells were set to stay a few days
and there is no protected landing jetty. Its a
British isl with a USA airforce base. We had a
fly past of 3 F16 as entertainment. The Canadian
yachty next to us said the fresh produce market
was closed anyway. He was a chatty fellow,
he and his wife had been sailing for 7 yrs! Great
excitement as we left we caught a 65cm long,
black fish with a big flat head. It provided excellent
meat which we made into pickled fish. Today Rob
had the fun of fighting a Marlin till the line snapped.
Between the two yachts we have now lost 6 lures
and burnt out a reel. Searenity is ave 6 knotts so
we are staying together. She looks pretty with the
Spinaker flying. Today they got up to 7.5 knots.
6.47,79S 19.35,86W
08h00 We arrived at Ascension island at 6pm yesterday.
5 miles out there was great excitement as all the lines started
whizzing. We lost 2 Dorados with lures and managed to land one
1m long Dorado. Rob had fun playing one of them but it broke
off at the boat.
Had fun feeding the 'Trigger fish' (pretty black and blue, size of a mans hand) with
the Dorado bits. Today the swells are huge,so may not get to go ashore.
Lots of large Turtles about, these are Turtle breeding beaches.
Lets hope we get ashore.
17h00 Just had a fish feast with Searenity crew.
Cant get ashore, leaving for Fernando de Noronha now.
7 day trip.
We will be in Ascension tomorrow at 16h00, had a great Valentines lunch
with a fresh Dorado, 70cm, and freshly baked chocolate brownies.
No wind, we have now left Searenity behind as the are trying to
sail in hardly any wind. 9,50.52S 12,29.30W
Today we left St Helena, and just in time. Getting onto the island has
to be done via the water taxi or we used our rubber duck.
The jetty consists of a flight of 10 steps down to a concrete
wall with 3 different levels, to accommodate tide and wave movement.
The boat comes against the wall, you grab a hanging rope and
step off. It was fine for the first 4 days but yesterday we had to use
the water taxi as the swell was large. Getting onto the taxi to return
to our yacht was a quite an experience, not for the faint hearted!
This morning the swell was so large it was washing over the wall
and right up the stairs. No one is leaving or going onto the island today.
We passed the St Helena ship earlier, she is on her way back to
the island from Ascension, to collect passengers and return to CT.
I wonder how long they will have to wait for the swell to subside.
About 8 miles out we spotted a small fishing boat that must
have broken its mooring last night. It was rather battered and
we reported it to the authorities via our radio. The radio controller
asked us to call him each day on our SSB radio to give the caps
in the office some SSB experience. Such friendly people.
No fish today, we saw the fin of a Dorado while he inspected the lure,
but he wasn't that hungry.
On Wed we saw a huge Ray swim past the yacht, that was very special.
Here are our Co-ordinates for Keith, 15,15.94S 6,28.43W,
who is following us on Google Earth. Sea temp 26C, air temp 28C.
'Searenity' is just behind us with her spinaker up.
At last some wind for them.
After 2 very turbulent days with the swell side on and
wind we have had 2 wonderful calm days. The swell
in more from behind and the wind has dropped.
The water temp is 24C and we are at last wearing
summer clothes! Yesterday we caught our first Dorado,
65cm long. Krasni says it was a young fish and it was
a wonderful golden colour. Great eating! I have my sea
legs and am able to join Kras and Mashelle in READING!
The guys transfered the fuel from the bladder tank today,
464l into the fuel tanks. From the rough seas the yacht
was covered in salt so she got a wash down today,
all fresh again. Toasted chicken mayo sandwiches for
lunch and lamb curry tonight. Then the food we cooked
in Walvis is finished and we will raid our still full freezer,
unless we catch more fish. In the morning we have
'flying' fish on the deck which are tossed back.
The sea in an amazing blue. Half way to St Helena!
19,36.997S 004,01.742E