We left Singapore and had a nice calm drive for a few hours. We had to watch out for all the ships as this is a very busy shipping route. Then we had to cope with the fishing boats that have long lines out behind them. We slowed down to see where their fishing lines went and then passed by. That involved checking for floating
buoys with binoculars and good eyes. Having all the big ships passing by was quite interesting, especially when they come from behind and are going faster than us.
The next night was fine until 2am when a storm literally hit us. From no wind to heavy pouring rain and strong wind. Rob could see the storm on the radar and while we all kept dry inside he and Harold turned the boat whichever way needed to miss the middle of it. After about 30min we were out of it and the drenched and tired men appeared.
Harold and I took over the watch and Rob retired to bed.....not long after we had to call him.
We were driving into a fleet of about 50 fishing boats. All had bright lights on and flashing red lights. Everywhere we turned there were boats and lines in the water. Some were running nets between them too. We tried to call on channel 16 but no one replied. It was like a bad dream!
We eventually turned back on our track and drove 3 hours back to Pangor Lamut. The sun was rising, what a welcome sight, and we anchored in a bay and all passed out till lunch time!!
Everyone did so well and no one was sea sick.
Once awake we went to the beach for a swim in the 30C water. It was a pretty bay with tall mountains covered in lush greenery.
Super was good comfort food, Spaghetti!
No more night driving.