Wednesday, April 28, 2010


We are in Cuba!! What a destination, it really is different. Its as if time has stood still since 1960! The women wear hotpants, there are lots of old cars, the buildings are run down. There is every kind of transport, cars, horse and cart, bikes, trikes.
Rob chated to a chap who was driving a 1958 Chev. The old cars have been revamped to take Diesel motors, so cheaper to run. There are lots of modern cars too, not expensive ones though.
The shops have very limited stocks and some shelves are empty.
The communist way is very evident. I have to show my passport to access the internet in our hotel. There are no internet cafe's.
We left the boat in Varedero and are staying in a hotel in Havanna. The next week will be very interesting, there is a huge parade on Sat, 1 May which should be educational and fun.
There is no Wifi so I cannot load any photos!

1 comment:

  1. Ahoy Sea Wolff
    Great to hear first hand about the Cuban scene. I was unaware of the diesel conversion of the cars. Makes sense - interesting to know where the engines came from?
    We are worried about the oil slick and pray that it doesn't get near you.
    safe trip
