Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 175, 19 July 2010, Going home!

Tomorrow we fly back to South Africa, to winter!
We have had an amazing holiday full of so many memorable moments and achievements, so much more than we could have ever imagined.
We have made so many new friends and its been so special meeting Roberts family. Everyone has opened their homes and hearts to us and we are so blessed.
I thank God for keeping us safe and giving us flat seas.
To all our followers out there, thank you for your comments, it was great to know you were there.


  1. Nadene and Robert,

    I enjoyed reading of your travels. I am so glad the trip went so well for you. I hope that my family and I could see you next year when you sail back to the U.S. We are hoping to travel to Florida the beginning of April.

    Blessings, Kris

  2. Hey Nadene and Robert, You have been so diligent about keeping your blog updated and letting us all travel along with you on the high seas. We have felt there with you at times and it is soo good to know you are safely back with the family in Cape Town. Hopefully we will meet again sometime when I am in Cape Town. Love Sharon Woods
