Off course you cant come to Cuba and not visit the Rum and Cigar shops. These are barrels of Rum. As there were no bottles available that day for bottling, the worker was allowed to work on his May day poster. See him in the back.

We visited a tobacco farm, Rob inspecting the leaves. The farmers crop had been counted by the gov official and noted on the door. Remember it all goes to the government and he gets a basic salary. Where he did make money on the side was selling us cigars he had rolled himself.
Next was the cigar making factory, they are small places with about 6 people rolling the cigars, then others checking the air flow through them and sorting according to leaf colour. Security was strict but as we got onto the bus we were offered cigars by a lady who had a huge bag of boxes. The penalty if caught is severe
The cigar shop was back in Havanna, and the guys had fun buying their favourite cigars. Our guide Jackie, is in the photo.
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